

前陣子在賣場上有看到一罐 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠!!!
但一罐 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠價格還蠻貴的,想說找一下原廠價格
後來我在這個網站找到 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠發現居然比市售便宜好幾倍。
 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠真的讓我省超多的不如直接買 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠就看這裡
找尋 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠心得看這裡

產品概述 說明
  • Fresh Brazilian Yerba Mate
  • Energizing Herb Tea
  • USDA Organic
  • Certified Organic By Clemson DPI
  • Good Feeling Energy
  • Discover the Mate Factor

Taste the Freshness

Mate Factor is Unique

  • Fresh, Not Aged
  • Not Smoked

Taste and Feel the Difference

The Factor

Taking care to preserve the herb's natural vibrancy, vitamins, enzymes, bio-active components and flavor is the factor that delivers this delicious product to you. Mate available today is typically aged for at least one year. However, we deliver something special - Fresh Yerba Mate, with all the secrets of nature still intact. We process our Mate immediately upon harvest, seal in opaque, airtight packaging, and rush export to preserve freshness.

Low Heat, No Smoky Flavor

We carefully dry our herb using a process that protects its vital nutrients and natural flavor, which is smooth and delicious.

Generous Portions

Our extra large size tea bags produce a rich cup of tea.

Certified Organic

We use only 100% certified organic Yerba Mate, responsibly grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, preserving the environment where Yerba Mate is grown.

We Trade Fairly

Discover Yerba Mate

South America's premier herb tea, giving you great feeling energy...

Stands Out in the Crowd of Energizers

Mate enhances mental clarity, gives long lasting energy, while found by most to be free from the unpleasant side effects associated with coffee and other energizers. Thus Mate Factor is a... Healthy Alternative to Coffee.

More Antioxidants than Green Tea

Studies indicate that Yerba Mate is higher in antioxidants than green tea, partly due to its high polyphenol content. Yerba Mate also contains vitamins including C, B1 and B2, as well as minerals important for metabolism including chromium, copper, iron, manganese, potassium and zinc. Our mate is rich in bio-active compounds including chlorophyll, pantothenic acid, quercetin and rutin.

Helps Support Good Health

Yerba Mate has traditionally been associated with increased metabolism, weight loss, and notable increases in vigor due to high concentrations of vitamin, minerals, and amino acids.


Pour hot (but not too hot) water over tea bag and allow to steep for 3-5 minutes. We find using water under 160° makes the best tasting Mate tea. Try sweetening with honey, agave. Yerba Mate is also good cold. It you’re on the go, try dropping two or more tea bags into a quart of water. Shake it up, let steep for 5 minutes or more and it’s ready to drink.

Be creative, experiment!


Certified Organic Ingredients:

Yerba mate, lemon myrtle, ginger.

 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠

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另徵全省御匾會現金板代理 希望大家看 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠會喜歡唷~

關鍵字: 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 ,民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 專賣店, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 門市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 大遠百, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新光, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新光站前, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新光信義, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新光三越, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 版急, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 SOGO, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 忠孝SOGO, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新竹巨城, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 台茂, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 尚順, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 太平洋百貨, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 廣三SOGO, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 勤美綠園道, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 漢神巨蛋, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 漢神百貨, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 臺北市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新北市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 桃園市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 臺中市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 臺南市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 高雄市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 基隆市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新竹市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 嘉義市, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 新竹縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 苗栗縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 彰化縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 南投縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 雲林縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 嘉義縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 屏東縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 宜蘭縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 臺東縣, 民智街Mate Factor, 有機巴拉圭茶,檸檬薑,20茶袋,2.47盎司(70克)哪裡優惠 澎湖縣

    Yerba Mate
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